"The Cycle I Live In"

In the moment 

I act like there’s a gun to my head

One wrong move and 


I’m gone

Too serious

I know that

I tried to change it

I’m changing it

I’ve become a goofy self

A “funny” guy

That’s really me? 

Let’s be real 

I live in the skies

I go home and 

My thoughts bring me down from my highs

I wish I could stay high

Staying down

Makes me want to go up 

Now what? 

You good zhu?

Don’t really know what to tell you 

What’s life?

If I never grow up 

I always said I felt like a grown up

Taking care of my parents like I know how to speak English at the age of 5

Did I have a choice?

Not really

Have I grown up?

I hope so 

Year 23 and

The story is changing 

I better be the one writing

Before my story becomes a life not worth telling 

Mistakes are a part of life

Everyone makes them

But for me

I cannot forget them

Mistakes live in my head 

Replaying like I should’ve said this or

I should’ve done this instead

Regretting moments 

Not worth mentioning

Story of my life

I wish I could rewrite it 

I tell myself I need to do better each and every time

I’m doing fine

But in my mind

It’s not right

It’s not fine

Then I go at it again

Stuck in a loop

Telling myself I’m not enough 

But I’m doing fine