"Relationships insecurities"

Meeting new people 


Always been an insecurity in me

Scared to say something wrong

Scared to come off as rude 

Or mean 

Always stuck in my head

Away from myself and who I wanted to be 

Couldn’t properly be me

Now it’s my biggest insecurity 

Keep thinking back to missed opportunities 

Missed relationships I could’ve had

Maybe I could’ve done a little better

Reality was 

I could never really be there 

Stuck in my head 

Still putting pieces of myself together 

Still trying to find peace 

In a war I was never going to win 

It started with my closest relationships

The ones I never really had

Between me and myself

Between me and my parents

A constant battle every day 

Trying to give my all

But if my all is nothing

What is there to give?

A shattered self-image

A heart in pieces 

I’m constantly trying to find a light

To the darkness in my heart

Something I cannot find in someone else 

Or I will keep breaking apart 

Everyone I ever got to talk to,

I feel like I was a detriment to their life 

Having to hear the weight of my story 

With no knowledge or guidance as to what a 

Relationship was,

I always just observed

I never wanted to be involved 

Watching Twitch streams, 

Watching other people interact,

Hearing others have conversations in the classroom, 

That was how I got to understand social cues and

Things to say in different situations 

Being a kid who grew up translating a second language, 

I was scared to say the wrong thing when ordering food at Mcdonalds,

I was scared to say the wrong thing when asked to sign up for a discount program,

I was always scared to do the wrong thing

Because as a kid,

I always needed to do what was right 

Doing something wrong meant that I would face the consequences 

I would have to fix the issue 

I would have to find another solution as a 5, 6, 7 year old 

Who did not know a singular thing he was doing 

My only choice was to choose right 

Because there was nothing left 

Up until now,

Mid november of 2022 

I’ve always struggled with relationships

I always struggled with expressing myself 

In a way that would not hurt others

While also finding balance 

Within the thoughts inside my head 

Not bringing myself down and judging myself too hard

Small talk or deep talk 

I always struggled to interact with someone else

Always feeling uncomfortable




But I think now

I think now 

I’m ready

I’m ready to build bridges 

Ready to unlock doors to other worlds

Ready to start talking about how your day is and not how my life was 

Never been a fan of small talk

But I think understand now

Small talk is needed 

In order to get to the deep talk 

I would love to get to know the deeper you

But I will need some time 

To get used to the social media you 

So give me some time

I’ll give you all of my mine

Let me get to know the real you 

Because I’ll always be real with you 

This is just how I am 

This is Zhu’s peace 

For the broken piece of 

Relationship insecurities